Eric Stratman

He was only a boy of 15 when Nike blasted the airwaves with their now iconic slogan, “Just do it!” No sweeter, or sweatier words, could have been said to this ambitious athlete. Two short years later, at 17, Eric Stratman was a certified personal trainer who, to this day, still
possesses the same determination. Eric is not a person who takes a catchy phrase and uses it as a daily platitude. No, he clearly takes the attitude from the most inspirational brand statements of all time and applies it to his daily life, both at work and at home.
From early on, people recognized Eric’s innate ability to teach, guide and motivate others. This aligned perfectly with his goal of helping others attain physical fitness and nutrition goals. Now over thirty years later, Eric has used his vast knowledge in the fitness and nutrition field
to help many attain their personal health goals. He has trained individuals across a broad spectrum from professional athletes to rehab patients, and many functional fitness athletes. With his pleasant communication and effective motivational skills, Eric makes the road to
achieving goals a smooth and enjoyable process.
Eric’s experience ranges from personal training to management. He has held management positions at both the Powerhouse Gym and Bally Total Fitness. He has expertise in consulting and assisting with High school and College strength programs. He later owned two successful personal training studios. For 10 years, Eric owned and operated TNL CrossFit, catering to all walks of life. From helping individuals lose over 100 lbs., to getting athletes to their peak physical condition, Eric’s passion is reflected in each person he works with.
As a Father to his two beautiful children he loves to live life to the fullest with them everyday!
Eric has held over 40 certifications over the past three decades. Also attending various seminars, conferences, and events to continually grow his knowledge. His current certifications are listed below.
ISFTA Master Trainer
Also holding various certifications with; ISSA, NASM, NFPT, ACE, and AFFA
Sports Nutrition Specialist (PN-Precision Nutrition)
Certified Health Coach (ACE-American Council of Exercise)
CrossFit Certifications:
CrossFit Level 1 & Level 2
CF Gymnastics, Sports Specific, Endurance (Run & Cycling), Kettlebell 1 & 2, Mobility, Strongman
USAW Level 2 Instructor