Eric Carrero

Aside from being a Strength and Mobility Specialist, Eric Carrero is a Father and Husband. He works Full Time as an Occupational Therapy Rehabilitation Supervisor. He Graduated from the University of Connecticut with a Bachelors Degree in Allied Health Science with concentration in Health Promotion. He then went on to receive his Masters Degree in Occupational Therapy at Bay Path University. Eric has been in the health and fitness field for over 10 years and has worked in a variety of settings including Sub-Acute rehab, Outpatient rehab, Home Care therapist and Mental Health. He is no stranger to injuries and has overcome his injuries to become the healthiest version of himself that you see today! In total, Eric has coached thousands of individuals back to health throughout his career.
Eric’s main passion lies within coaching individuals to live a healthier life through nutrition and fitness. He began his online training business in attempts reach and help a greater amount of individuals. His training style is motivational and his focus is to educate you on feeding your body the proper nutrition, exercising correctly and progressing your workouts to avoid getting injured! The goal is not to be physically fit for a few months but for the rest of your life.